Libra and Dealing with + Healing from Guilt

We’ve all felt guilty about something at some point in our life and the feeling of guilt arises to show us that whatever happened went against our moral code as a human. Negative feelings aren’t necessarily “bad” they are moreso indicators that something is wrong, off, or needs to be dealt with.

The sign of Libra deals with the energy of “guilt” the most. We all have libra somewhere within our natal chart and you don’t necessarily need to have any libra placements (planets/asteroids) to experience this energy. However, people with Libra sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter or saturn will likely feel this energy more tangibly than others on a more frequent basis.

Libra’s entire thing is having correct and right relationships with others, so if something happens that off-sets the balance, Libra may end up feeling guilt faster than others and more intensely than others.

The first thing to think about before even looking into the feeling of guilt further is figuring out where the guilty feeling is coming from. If it’s not your feeling to feel then that’s a huge sign to you that you’re likely picking up on the other person’s guilt but they aren’t dealing with it so YOU end up internalizing it FOR them which is a whole other thing and very detrimental to your emotional state and healthy relationships. However, if the guilt IS yours to feel, here’s some steps you can take and things to consider to deal with it and heal from those feelings:

  • Forgiveness of self

    • Not a single one of us on this planet is perfect! We all make mistakes sometimes, it’s how we handle these mistakes that define us. Work on forgiving yourself for whatever happened.

  • That was an old version of you

    • Who you are within this moment right now is different than the person you were when something happened that resulted in the feeling of guilt. Beating yourself up over past emotional states will keep you locked into the past and unable to see what you need to see in the present moment.

  • What was the lesson?

    • You wouldn’t be feeling this feeling if there weren’t a lesson for you to learn (unless you’re taking on others emotions like I talked about before). Look into what this situation is trying to show you about yourself. Chances are if you truly take the time to learn this lesson, you’ll never do whatever you did ever again because now you’re aware of what the guilt was trying to teach you.

  • If it involves another person, what can you do to make it right?

    • Sometimes we need to own up to our behavior and sincerely apologize to people for what we said or did. Don’t just apologize to get back on someone’s good side, though. Apologize because you actually want to correct the behavior in the future because you value that relationship with that person and yourself.

  • Acceptance

    • It happened. That’s okay. Again we all make mistakes sometimes and that’s totally fine. Accept what happened and do your best to move forward accordingly.

  • Make decisions from the current reality/timeline

    • I talk a lot about how timelines shift and change, who we were yesterday might not be who we are today. Take account of who you are today within this moment and make decisions from that space vs. trying to make decisions based on the past aka inactive timelines.

  • Release regret - on some level it had to happen like that, otherwise, it wouldn’t have.

I love you so much Libra. You got this.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you’re dealing with a situation and don’t know how to handle it in the comments and I’ll give you my best advice if you weren’t able to pick up on what to do from this blog post.

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